Camping Car Park Aire in Beauvoir

Camping Car Park Beauvoir – As aires go it’s practically perfect

Our reasons for visiting this aire were multiple. We had previously stayed in the campsite in Pontorson and cycled past the aire on our way to Mont-Saint-Michel so we knew it was well situated. It is located close to Alligator Bay which the kids were keen to revisit and it was only a short drive from Cherbourg so would help keep us out of traffic.

Moules à la Marinière

Moules (or mussels as we refer to them in English) are small shellfish that are found clinging to rocks along the coast. They can handpicked but my understanding is that the majority of mussels are new farmed. As indiscriminate feeders mussels will eat anything so are a potential food poisoning hazard and farmed mussels do …

Driving in France – Practical advice for travelling with kids

For most of us lucky enough to live with driving or ferry distance from France it represents a fantastic opportunity to not only holiday but to travel. By using a car, camper or motorhome, as opposed to a plane as a means to get abroad, we are not confined to being based in a single location and can split our holiday among different activities to suit the family.